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The ‘0027 Throwdown is an annual, local CrossFit competition that will host 60 teams of 2. Teams are female/female or male/male and from the greater Superior/Louisville CrossFit boxes. 

This competition is geared towards the beginner, veteran and enthusiast Crossfitter. Each athlete will receive a T-shirt/tank top and goodie bag from sponsors as part of their registration.

We will have an Rx division, Scaled division, and a Masters (combined age of 90 years) division.

The ‘0027 Throwdown will be hosted by Coal Creek Crossfit and held at Impact Sports in the Superior Sports Stable

(1 Superior Drive, Superior, CO).

The event will take place on Saturday, 

May 4, 2023 from 8am- 3pm.

The competition will consist of 3 workouts and one floater workout. Each workout will have approximately 4 heats. 


Wall, Bike, Barbell -

1 partner completes Wall Walks (Scaled) / HSPU (RX and Masters)  while 1 partner bikes for Calories

With time remaining, team completes a max snatch. Both partners must complete the lift for the weight to count.



Team bag clean and Jerks 150# (male RX) 

125# (Female RX, Male Scaled, Male Masters) 

100# (Female Scaled, Female Masters) 

synchro burpees over the bag




Double dumbbell weighted box step overs 50's (Male RX)

35's (Female RX, Male Scaled, Male Masters) 

25’s (Female Scaled, Female Masters) 

Between each round synchro SINGLE arm devils press

Come join us for a fun competition with your local boxes and enjoy the camaraderie of the '0027 community! 
If you have any questions, please email

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